Public Works Minister Scott Brison has formally apologized to the National Citizens Coalition for trying to smear us on November 4th.
Readers of this blog will recall he offered a half-baked apology to us two weeks ago, but we rejected it and threatened legal action.
So today we got a better apology faxed to us. (Please note this letter is the only thing we are legally allowed to make public concerning his apology)
Of course, this apology does not make up for the fact that Brison smeared our organization on national television but at least we have put him and other politicians on
notice that the NCC will fight to defend its reputation.
And as a bonus we have also undermined the credibility of Brison, who appears to be the designated Liberal attack dog.
We plan to keep an eye on this guy, so he had better watch his step.
I've linked your story with a copy of the letter; hope that's okay?
What a truly pathetic apology for such libelous and defamatory statements. Brisson should feel at home within the Liberal Party of Canukistan.
This guy will just open his mouth and let anything fly out, regardless of how big a lie it is! The only way to combat this given the current media situation is to do what you have done - thank-you! I hope that, in future, people will give him all the respect he deserves - - NONE.
i'm pleased to see that the "attack dog" has been neutered.I hope the opposition parties fight him on some of his comments about them as well.
Out here in Alberta we are not anti-gay,but, we are definatly anti - weasel.Brisson falls into that category.
So, Brison eats crow? Well, at least we know it's Russell and not Cheryl.
"Brison Eats Crow Again"
As far as I'm concerned that sob should eat sh*t.
Millions of people saw that crap on National TV and what, MAYBE several hundred will see the apology.
We have to get rid of those
I think the NCC should sue him anyway. Or at the very least he should have to ensure that his apology is carried on national TV so it attracts the same audience the smear did.
Horny Toad
I'm with you horny toad, that miserable little worm who sold his soul should have to apologise to the taxpayers and the Taxpayers Association in one of those 'personal' clips that pmpm uses to blubber. We, the taxpayers should DEMAND it a snotty little 'read out' in the HC (not being aired on MSM) is NOT good enough. He should resign.
Interesting that the Liberals aren't under any pressure to turn their backs on Brison. When a Conservative makes an error, the MSM makes a big deal and asks whether the MP will be sanctioned by the Leader.
RE: Scott Brison...
We have been ruled by closet socialists now for many years...
We have witnessed back door socialism, creeping into our lives, pushed by people who claim to be Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, the Green Party...
[(Scott Brison is a Socialist)]
They call themselves anything/everything, but the socialists they are...
They can say ..do ..anything, LIE,STEAL,CHEAT,MURDER,MAIM,KILL, all is acceptable as long as you promote socialism...!!
Wake UP Canada...We are being led down a soviet style garden path that leads to corruption, and the destruction of our way of life...
Stand up for Canadian values,
Vote conservative...
Lets get rid of the social engineers who call themselves Liberal...!!!!!!!!
Lets get rid of the Liberal liars and theives that infest Ottawa today....!!!!!!
Long live truth, justice and the Stephen Harper way..
His "apology" is not acceptable. There is no contrition, remorse, explanation, or rebuke of his culpability. This is a member of the Crown's ministry. What a laugh we have become.
I never caught his stand-up in the HoC but when I do find it, I'm sure it will be as lame, hollow, and contrite as he now will be forever. Everyone should be clued into this dog's true colours.
Duh, sorry. Yahoo. Is that it? Make the bastard pay. You did mention that there were other legal matters that could not be exposed (other than the lame fax reiterating his falsehoods, almost making them appear real, he's repeating them, not apologizing, get it?) so I hope he's backed up the pickup and dumped a bunch of cash on you. My thoughts are that the wheels to run the Gag bill a little faster is your reward from this Nazi devil. I wouldn't let it go until the defamatory display he made of himself is done, once again. Paint him up like a clown and parade him down mainstreet would be too kind to his peculiar bend.
His "apology" is not acceptable. There is no contrition, remorse, explanation, or rebuke of his culpability. This is a member of the Crown's ministry. What a laugh we have become.
I never caught his stand-up in the HoC but when I do find it, I'm sure it will be as lame, hollow, and contrite as he now will be forever. Everyone should be clued into this dog's true colours.
Duh, sorry. Yahoo. Is that it? Make the bastard pay. You did mention that there were other legal matters that could not be exposed (other than the lame fax reiterating his falsehoods, almost making them appear real, he's repeating them, not apologizing, get it?) so I hope he's backed up the pickup and dumped a bunch of cash on you. My thoughts are that the wheels to run the Gag bill a little faster is your reward from this Nazi devil. I wouldn't let it go until the defamatory display he made of himself is done, once again. Paint him up like a clown and parade him down mainstreet would be too kind to his peculiar bend.
His "apology" is not acceptable. There is no contrition, remorse, explanation, or rebuke of his culpability. This is a member of the Crown's ministry. What a laugh we have become.
I never caught his stand-up in the HoC but when I do find it, I'm sure it will be as lame, hollow, and contrite as he now will be forever. Everyone should be clued into this dog's true colours.
Duh, sorry. Yahoo. Is that it? Make the bastard pay. You did mention that there were other legal matters that could not be exposed (other than the lame fax reiterating his falsehoods, almost making them appear real, he's repeating them, not apologizing, get it?) so I hope he's backed up the pickup and dumped a bunch of cash on you. My thoughts are that the wheels to run the Gag bill a little faster is your reward from this Nazi devil. I wouldn't let it go until the defamatory display he made of himself is done, once again. Paint him up like a clown and parade him down mainstreet would be too kind to his peculiar bend.
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