Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dissecting a political video

Some guy (gal?) who calls himself (herself) "Tory Boy" has produced a little video to defend the Conservative government.

It's a nice little try, but as a political ad it has a few problems.

First, the ad leads off telling us how the Conservative government's "economic action plan" is "protecting jobs."

Let's just ignore the ideological issue as to how someone who calls himself/herself a Conservative could possibly think massive deficits somehow protects jobs.

The more practical problem is the ad is supposed to be an attack on the Liberals; more specifically it's supposed to be an attack on how the Liberal "war room" manufactures issues.

So if you are going to attack, just keep the ad an attack -- don't mix in a positive message.

Secondly and more seriously, the spot asks viewers to relive the "wafer" incident and the "showing up late for the G8 photo-op summit" fiasco. And yes, I know the ad's purpose is to refute the idea that these are real news stories, but all you are doing is reminding people of Harper's screw ups.

As a Tory partisan you want people to forget that stuff.

And that stuff about Patrick Brown is just confusing.

The only effective part of the ad comes at the end when it blasts Liberal Leader Micheal Ignatieff for having "no policies."

That should have been the focus of the whole spot.


Platty said...

the spot asks viewers to relive the "wafer" incident

all you are doing is reminding people of Harper's screw ups.

And this was a "screw up" how Gerry?

Maybe we should be dessecting your post, and how you so easily fall into the MSM traps that they put out there for "mass consumption"....

Rural and Right said...

Gerry I would disagree with you that a Christian (although Protestant) Prime Minister taking Catholic communion, is a "screw up". I believe the Reverend made a judgement call to offer the host to PM Harper in respect of our Prime Ministers position at the funeral of a past Governer General of Canada. Witnesses did definitely see PM Harper consuming the 'host', some Christians like myself pause for reflection or say a little thankyou prayer before consuming the body of Christ.

Also being the last one to arrive for a photo shoot a minute behind everyone else is not a "screw up".

The Patrick Brown part of the 'ad' is confusing ... i try to follow politics and that part went right by me.

(P.S. Great to see you on the Michael Coren show again!)

Anonymous said...

" someone who calls himself/herself a Conservative could possibly think massive deficits somehow protects jobs."

Judging from what you wrote I do not think that you know the difference the capital C has on the meaning of the word conservative Gerry?