This is absolutely insane.
The Department of National Defence is ordering us (the National Citizens Coalition) to take down a “Support our Troops” billboard we put up in downtown Toronto.
The DND is also telling us to remove any reference to “Support our Troops” from our website and to stop handing out “Support our Troops” car magnets.
Because of some stupid and vague law.
Section 291 of the National Defence Acts states:
1) Every person who uses
(a) the words "Canadian Forces" or "Canadian Armed Forces" or the name of any component, unit or other element thereof or any abbreviation thereof or any words or letters likely to be mistaken therefore,
(b) any picture or other representation of a member of the Canadian Forces, or
(c) any uniform, mark, badge or insignia in use in the Canadian Forces,
in any advertising or in any trade or service, having been requested in writing by the Minister to cease that usage, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
In other words, says the DND, it’s a crime for us to express gratitude to the men and women who are risking their lives to defend our freedoms!!
Something is very wrong here.
I can understand a law prohibiting improper use of military symbols for advertising, but citizens should be permitted to make what are essentially patriotic statements.
Could you imagine such a law being enforced in the United States??
What makes all this worse, is that the NCC was using these “Support our Troop” ads to raise awareness about a special trust fund we were setting up to aid the families of soldiers killed in action.
Either the government has got to stop enforcing this law so zealously or they should change the law.
Canadians should have the right to express thanks to our troops!
You're right Gerry. These same people who are asking the NCC to remove its signs are the same who whine and cry every Rememberance Day about lack of support for our troops, lack of history learned in schools, yadda, yadda, yadda. Now when a group like NCC is trying to do something about it and actually encourage an ounce of patriotism, something like this happens. Don't tell me there's a Liberal in the background that's going to suggest that the NCC is being too much like the USA. Over to you Miles.
Where or who can we write to in order to encourage them to change this law? It's absolutely abominable!
'Troops' is the word that supposedly protected by the NDA?
Get stuffed DND.
Bravo Bourque for headlining this !!!
Surely you didn't get a letter sent on behalf of Gordon O'Connor telling you to take these down, Gerry?
How about "Support Our Guys Over There... ya know the ones we're not allowed to talk about!"
Can't see someone wearing the uniform coming up with this hairbrained BS. Most likely it came from some spineless dick that never wore a military uniform and comes from a legal background.
His next job will be leading the defence team for the 17 misguided, misunderstood, marginalized,disadvanteaged individuals recently chargedswith plotting to blow up building and murder politicians in the countrty that welcomed their parents with open arms from the very tyrany that they now espouse.
Sorry about the numerous spelling errors but I was so outraged when I came across this post that I was spitting nails and seeing red.
If there is one person you don't need to apologize to for your spelling errors, it's Gerry.
Oh for crying out loud. Clearly whoever decided to enforce this are candidates for the Golgafrinchan ship of "useless bloody loonies".
Am I going to have to start looking over my shoulder before I say "thank you" to a veteran now? Wouldn't want the DND to think that I was somehow subverting their control over what is said.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
Despite the absolute insanity of the edict from DND, I see not reference to Canadian Armed Forces, or Army in that billboard. It seems clear that it is from NCC with a simple yet clear message to Support our troops. I have car magnets on each of our cars, which DND has no issue making a profit off.
Retarded. Simply retarded.
This country has become such a nutcase over the years.
As a "troop" I appreciate your support. Above is a link showing what other soldiers are thinking on the issue.
If you make an internet button, I'll put it up.
Too bad the NCC lost its credibility long ago, because this might be an issue to rally behind.
NCC sign proudly erected at ProudToBeCanadian.ca.
I just got off my email after sending a letter or disgust to this decision to both the DND and my MP... I suggest anyone else who is flabbergasted by this move do the same - it all helps, and maybe we'll quickly get this situation resolved.
Hang on, now, consider this perspective...
This National Citizens' Coalition is using the good name of our troops - who are undeniably members of The Canadian Armed Forces - to advertise the website of the NCC. They even went so far as to deface the image of the ribbon on the billboard.
The optics are confusing at least, and disrespectful at worst. I have to side with DND on this one, but I can't see any harm done by the billboard.
It looks to me like a sincere plan poorly executed.
I agree with DND's stance. The problem isn't the "Support our troops" logo but the fact that a repugnant organization is trying to hitch a free ride by associating it's name with our brave men and women in uniform. If you truly want to support our troops then buy one of the DND sponsored stickers. Shame on this attempt at self-promotion.
The law is put in place to discourage nationalist violence against Canadians who do not support the war effort. Judging by the extremes of emotion shown in these comments we have moved from a understandable patriotic respect to nationalist fundmentalism which could lead to in-fighting in our own country. Why can't Canadians debate the issue in a public forum without people kicking and screaming about why they are right and others wrong. A more democratic and fair idea here would be to keep the original billboard but erect another for those that would support our government bringing our beloved soldiers home. That would be fair.
Good job NCC! Please take a stand and fight this bureaucratic bullshit. If they try to take you to court, please set up a legal defence fund to which I will gladly contribute. I hate shit like this more than anything else. Pencil pushing idiots who would never have the guts to serve their country are trying to take away from the democratic rights of those who choose to shoe our military support. This just makes me sick.
And good on Pierre Bourque (www.bourque.org) from promioting this story. Thanks Pierre! The Canadian media is better because of you.
Slap a huge label over it reading
"Censored by the Department of National Defence lawyers" , and rent it for a year.
Canada doesn't need to advertise it's military excursions around the world.
We can support our troops without pandering like Americans to the baser instincts of our less-worldly population.
Grow up, NCC.
I have a suggestion on how to get around this insanity.
Check it out here.
First a question. The cited portion of the act contains the following:
"having been requested in writing by the Minister to cease that usage."
Did you receive a letter from the Honourable Gordon O'Connor or was it simply some bureaucrat at DND?
Regardless, the act makes reference to "Canadian Forces," or "Canadian Armed Forces," or variants and abbreviations thereof - I for one cannot see how "Our Troops" fits in any of these categories - given a narrow reading of the law.
For those interested, even if the NCC is forced to stop selling the "Support Our Troops" magnets, they can be found at the RCR Kit Shop:
The NCC and the rest of you dimwits just don't get it. It is about the NCC using our troops to promote itself. Put up the billboards anonymously and you won't have a problem. It isn't the law that is the problem it is groups like the NCC who try to improve their reputation on the backs of our troops that is the problem.
I support Canada's involvement in Afghanistan but am disturbed by citizens coalitions who think we need them to show support.Especially those who use the exact same simpish American symbols.And the DND should get stuffed to.I'd like to stuff them all in a howitzer and fire up Quebecs wazoo.
Like oswald is your real name. Don't get me started I'm not going through this again.
"It is about the NCC using our troops to promote itself. Put up the billboards anonymously and you won't have a problem."
Oh, to have infringed on the sensibilities of the almighty Anon.
Nevermind the fact that countless organizations have held fundraisers for countless causes with the contact info being the organization itself without a peep from the nattering class. Yeah... can't tell what this is all really about.
Carry on blowhards...
Saw your post and thought I should add...
I work for a publication which prints stories related to veterans and active service people. We were recently given a letter telling us we are no longer allowed to use an image of the poppy to thank or remember veterans, as it is the trademark of the Dominion Command, RCL in Canada. They stated in the letter that if we wish to use a poppy in any manner, whether it be an official poppy or not, illustration or otherwise, we have to write first for permission for one time use.
I appreciate that they would rather only see the poppy used in authorized ways and not put any old place as people feel like, but we were using it in a respectful manner.
See more on this as reported by CBC news online:
Well, that's Canaduh for you. No freedom for the people up there.
After 8 years in the CF - this sorta thing doesn't surprise me.
DND, get your ass over to Caledonia and enforce our laws there, then we can talk about signage. TG
Indeed Gerry, throw their own stupid rhetoric right back at them. It clearly states, "(1) Every person who..." there is no exception for the media nor the DNC. Therefor if I am confined by this vague law then so too must they be. Therefore no more news about our troops, no more recruiting drives, no more documentaries and eliminate all the memories of our heroes. I could go on but you get the scenario. Ken Bulbrook, A Canadian WWII Soldiers son!!!
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