Friday, April 22, 2011

Kinsella scaring the kids

A letter I wrote in response to this Warren Kinsella column was published in the Winnipeg Sun.

Here's the unedited version:

Dear Sir/Madam:

Given the recent Liberal scare tactics you would think we were nearing Halloween instead of Election Day.

Certainly, Warren Kinsella’s recent Sun column will keep the kids up at night. 

A Conservative majority, it seems, will result in a nightmare Canada where gun-toting, bible thumping farmers from the hinterlands will invade our cities to ransack abortion clinics and set up a gallows on every street corner.

Then there are the Liberals negative TV spots which are even scarier than the ads for Scream 4.

It’s all frightening stuff.

But, of course, all this fear-mongering is a pretty good sign that the ones who are really afraid of Election Day are the Liberals.


L said...

They are toast. Finally punished well for adscam, blatant attempt to usurp power and their disgusting behaviour as opposition members.

Anonymous said...

Do we need to change democracy where politicians need to get re-elected? Should we be looking at the China model?

Jacoline Loewen said...

Now here is how to get a message across

Anonymous said...

Plan A of the coalition was for one of them to achieve a minority. Hopefully liberal. That's dead.

Plan B was to hijack Canada's voting choice and, as a coalition, throw out Harper and sink back into their Liberal entitlements. That's almost dead, I hope, although we are still scurrying around looking for the elusive silver stake to complete the job.

Plan C was to transfer the heavy hauling to Jack. That's underway now. Gush, Gush. I hope they don't have a Plan D (Duceppe). BTW, Jack will sink after his interview/questioning on Sat at Quebec's favourite TV show, viewership ~ 2 million. He won't get puff-ball questions (Bloc will see to that), and his contortions due to different Eng/Fr Canada positions on issues should be highly entertaining. Jack has reached his nadir, and will settle back to a little above his norm, quickly.

I believe that the Liberals and NDP (and others) started plotting, a very long time ago, the overthrow of voters choices by hijacking democracy (ironically, in the "name of democracy"). Of course, the only way this will work is with the cooperation of the infamous traitor, Duceppe.

"Anatomy of the Coup". It's a short read, backgrounder, and not dull at all. The only one on the net:

L said...

No anony - our system is not in need of gross reform, just adjusting. We just need more informed voters and participants.

I like your candidate JB - go for it!!!

I am trying to rid our riding of the egregious Hedy Fry. I mean I am fine with the gay/lesbs, but pullese .... A doctor????

In contrast, a grown-up,

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with the Liberals is that they have never modernized themselves. This "scarey hidden agenda" is so old that people don't even think about it except for Liberals. Which is great because it allows the Conservative message to be heard loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

old white guy says. as far a not recognizing canada i for one don't recognize the canada of my youth. the progressive socialists have restricted our freedom to the point where we ar all alves to the government. just try to do anything in canada without some bureaucrat from some level of government in your face. there will be some rule, regulation or tax that has to be oveyed or paid. enough already.

KURSK said...

I am sure that the Liberals won't recognize the country if the Conservatives get a will resemble what existed before St. Trudeau came to power...of course they wouldn't recognize it; their utopia didn't exist before 1968..

Anonymous said...

I want a Canada where all regions are represented in government.

I want a Canada where people who commit acts of barbarism are called barbaric.

I want a Canada where parliament decides the ultimate decisions of our military; Not the UN and its eclectic veto members.

I want a Canada where those who wish to see it destroyed from within are worried and dispirited.

I want a Canada that leads the world in alienating racist states and ruthless dictators.

I want a Canada where the government recognises that Canadian families are the best judges as to where their money should be invested.

I want a Canada in which the government adresses the challenge of our Arctic sovereignty.

I want a Canada led by a government that has a vision; Not one that is elected by a fear of it.

; One Canadian's rebuttal to Kinsella and his ilk.

Blame Crash said...

It’s the Coalitionists who will change Canada beyond all recognition. That’s as plain as day to see. This argument certainly has a strong double-speak Orwellian aura to it.

The Lib glibsters will often project their underhanded schemes by accusing others of doing what they themselves are plotting. That is what they’re doing here

They think that having the journalistic frauds that are propagating for them is all they need to win. That, and having Elections Canada working on their behalf.

The truth is that they would run our country like they’ve run this campaign.

That would be with complete dishonesty and corruption.

Blame Crash said...

It’s the Coalitionists who will change Canada beyond all recognition. That’s as plain as day to see. This argument certainly has a strong double-speak Orwellian aura to it.

The Lib glibsters will often project their underhanded schemes by accusing others of doing what they themselves are plotting. That is what they’re doing here

They think that having the journalistic frauds that are propagating for them is all they need to win. That, and having Elections Canada working on their behalf.

The truth is that they would run our country like they’ve run this campaign.

That would be with complete dishonesty and corruption.

Gordie Canuk said...

And unless we elect a Conservative majority this country will be plunged into a -cue the scary music black hole, a vortex so dark that even light will not be able to escape...Yawn.

Canada is a nation stronger than any political party. We've survived Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien and 5 years of Stephen Harper.

No matter who wins, and no matter if its a majority or another minority...the sun will continue to rise on Canada.

Although if Stephen doesn't get his majority its sounding like he'll start a constitutional challenge...I used to play hockey with kids like him, you know the wasn't long before they didn't have any friends except the odd kid who loved all the toys the little p###k had.

L said...

I am good with PM Harper defending the real Canada, and if hard body checks need to be made, fine with me.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Kinsella and others like him are so scared. Nothing will change with a Harper majority. Why would a politician discontinue what he perceives as essential to his power?
