Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Crying Game

As I predicted Hillary Clinton's recent waterworks seemed to have paid off in New Hampshire.

This could set a precedent.

Watch for Stephane Dion to start crying like a baby after the next budget.


Anonymous said...

Give me a break - what a ridiculous comment. Really, it's pathetic and extremely partisan.

I'm surprised that you even had the notion to put such a silly comment on your blog.


Anonymous said...

Jeffy is that you?? That comment was completely appropriate and you know it. Don't you remember whem Michael Ignatief reminded Celine that "we just didn't get it done" on the environment file? Well if you looked closely Celines eyes welled up with tears, and that was Mikey being a bully. Imagine how bad Harper could make him cry....

Calgary Junkie said...

Dion is going to cry even more, when he sits down with Bob Rae to go over the Liberal platform for the next election.

Dion: WTF ?! Where's my poverty plan, Kelowna projects, Kyoto implementation ??? All you've got here is day care spaces for the GTA !?

Rae: Sorry Seffie. That's all we can fund, after Flaherty spent it all in the last budget. Now, if we had defeated the Tories over the 1 % GST cut, I'd have $5.5 billion more to play with ...

Dion: I told my caucus that, but nooooooo, they wouldn't listen to me ... Let's wait, they said.

Rae: I guess they don't trust your judgement Steffi. You should have argued that even a stopped clock is right twice a day !

Anonymous said...

Hey grantk1:

As anyone living in the city of Halifax well knows, you shouldn't insult "Queen Celine of the Easily Hurt Feelings" or she starts crying and then a bunch of these half baked, brain washed, illogicals attack you as if you are a monster. Similar to the reaction of fans of Brittany Spears who wonder why anyone would criticize her...

Nevertheless, Celine Dion does go away in the end which makes me happy... Hopefully, Hillary will too!

Haven't you guys figured it out yet: Many people mistakenly believe that governments are our friends not our oppressors...

Anonymous said...

Maybe, Hill should change her campaign theme to a different Celine Dion song such as "My heart will go on" which was the theme song from The Titanic!

Clinton Inc. could, at least, re-arrange some of the deck chairs...

Anonymous said...

Off on another tangent...

We should be all thankful for the Libertarians in taking down the big government, big spending corporately controlled neocons south of the border...

1. Allan Greenspan's contribution in exercising his freedom of speech and calling attention to the spendthrift habits of the Bush government and their misadventures in Iraq...

2. Ron Paul in calling out Rudy Giuliani and crushing him in the polls in Iowa and drawing him in New Hampshire... Given the number of young Republicans that are flocking to Dr. Paul's message, it appears that Libertarianism might be a big part of the "Conservatism that can win again."

Time to go home, Rudy and David?!

Hoping to see more good stuff from other "radical, maverick, renegade conservatives" in Canada this year...

rondi adamson said...

Hmm. From all I've read today, her tears had absolutely nothing to do with it. There were other factors, including a last-minute mailing campaign from the Clinton group suggesting Obama was not a supporter of abortion rights, and a couple of other such efforts (courtesy of, among others, James Carville). And she didn't have much of a victory. She and Obama walked away from NH with almost equal numbers of delegates.
Nice try, though, Gerry!

Anonymous said...

Watch for Stephane Dion to start crying like a baby after the next budget.

Either that, or he'll eat the carrot.