Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Let us Pray

Here's a letter to the editor I wrote which was published in today's National Post:

Michael Coren's column gave me an idea. If it's OK to pray for religious conversions, maybe it's also OK to pray for political conversions. With that in mind, the next time I go to church, I will say a prayer for Stephen Harper to convert back to true conservatism.
Sacrilege? Perhaps, but Divine Intervention, it seems, may be last hope for the Conservative party.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The cross country neocon "cash and dash" tour continues unabated. Harper seems to start backing away from the Afghanistan hardline when the Van Doos get called to serve the country.

Time for fiscal conservatives, Libertarians, Reformists and Progressive Conservatives to start a Conservative party.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for divine intervention, I vote for lightning strike. Non-fatal of course. Just a little rewiring...