Before the school year ended my son was elected to the student council. What you see here is his actual campaign poster.
It's a brilliant piece of political marketing, if I say so myself.
I only hope he gives up this political thing before he gets himself elected Prime Minister.
That is absolutely wonderful. I would *so* vote for him!
Focused, Determined...ahhh, who are we kiddin', let's go for a snack!
That "snack" slogan is sure to get him at least 90 per cent of the slacker vote...which is 85 per cent of the entire student body. In other words, he's looking at a comfortable vote count, unless there are a few Paris Hiltons and Heidi Montags in his school. You know what guys are like in HS, Gerry. lol
Ooops, didn't read the bottom part you wrote. Hey, it's a Friday after all.
That's hilarious.
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