Monday, March 23, 2009

Two views of me

This guy says I am the "voice of doom."

This guy says I am the voice of "hype."


  1. I meant that in the nicest possible way. Doom is a good thing, that's where the Tories are headed with their drift to the Left.

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Your only claim to fame is working for Harper.

    You should send him half your royalties from your book.

    If you never worked for Harper you would be a no-body, you owe evrything to Harper..

    But hey, there is always a lame who glides off the coatails of people who have actualy accomplished somthing in life..

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Just to add to my hater post..

    I will buy your book Gerry. All the best on your sales, I hope your book does well...

    PS:Still think you owe PM Harper IMHO..
