Monday, March 30, 2009

Conservatives looking for a home

A group I recently joined, The Homeless Cons , is making a little bit of news.


  1. Does that mean you're "outta here?"
    I'm sure their would be many who would be okay with that.

    I do think the name is quite appropriate. Especially the "cons" part. It's obviously not an abbreviation for Conservative's.
    More like an apt description.

  2. So, you will be leaving the Blogging Tories site then Gerry?

    He asked hopefully.


  3. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I won't be joining ay web site discussion groups to complain or what-not. I've pretty much made up my mind I just won't bother to vote next time around. I just don't care anymore. There's no point. It doesn't make a bit of difference.

    It won't matter much because the blue-Liberal/"conservative" candy ass that's in my riding will get elected anyway. But hey, at least I know I didn't HELP that dick.

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Hey "Blame Crash" and "Platty", why don't you stick to reading the official "Conservative Party" web site. This blog is for people who can discriminate the crucial difference between pragmatism and principle. Go lap up the party drivel and wave your Harper banners!

