Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Don't Vote

A lot of people are fretting about the low voter turn out in the last federal election.

But not Will Wilkinson of the CATO Institute who says voter apathy can be a good thing.

H/T Paul Tuns


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Will Wilkinson asks: "Is it really all that bad if a broad swath of voters, relatively happy with the status quo, sit it out from a decided lack of pique?"

    Question for Will Wilkinson: Is it really all that bad if a broad swath of voters, extremely unhappy with the status quo, sit it out due to a decided lack of any non-status-quo ballot option (election after election)?

  2. Well that was retarded. I can imagine if this guy was a sports reporter saying that sure, attendance is down for team X but that's a good thing because now only the most informed fans are willing to show up to watch their dismal performance.

    Declining voter turnout is a sign that Canada's democracy is performing poorly and people are turning their backs on it. I would think that a supposedly free market devotee such as yourself would recognize this simple fact.

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Anonymous; If a broad swath of voters are extremely unhappy with the status quo and sit it out election after election, then there are a whole bunch of people who do not understand living in a democracy.
