Friday, December 21, 2007

McCain's Attack on Free Speech

As readers of this blog know, I am an ardent opponent of election gag laws in this country.

Those are the laws which restrict free political speech during elections and which essentially give politicians and political parties a monopoly on debate.

Well as this article from Reason Magazine shows, the Americans are burdened with the same types of bad laws.

H/T Janet


  1. Gerry, I, possibly like many others on the NCC, miss you there.
    I don't think they are doing a very good job.
    Are you managing to make a difference someplace else instead?

  2. Gerry, I, possibly like many others on the NCC, miss you there.
    I don't think they are doing a very good job now.
    Are you managing to make a difference someplace else instead?

  3. Thanks Max.

    I am doing some freelance writing right now, and will be working on some projects in 08.

    Stay tuned.
