Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Say it aint so Tim

This is horrible news.


  1. Gerry -- Forget about Tim Ho's. It's St. Arbucks, all the way.

  2. Hey, if it's coffee you're worried about, don't fret, Ontario is getting dinged in the donut aisle(Timbits and cookies).

    As usual, Atlantic Canadians will suffer the brunt of Timmy's rath as hot drinks are being targeted. This and the Atlantic accord fiasco, what's an EI recipient to do?? lol

  3. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Hey nb taxpayer:

    There's always the Shawn Graham accord --

    Good cash there if you have any experience in paving roads.

    Hell, with the cronyism of the present neocon-socialist government, no experience is really required!
